The key to your health

After every tiring day we all need to relax and enjoy the life. I started looking for the best way to relax and feel the life around me, because the life isn’t only work, work and again work… If you think I’m right, So you have your own way to enjoy life or you’re like me and are still looking for other options to feel good.
Do you want to know what I found ? I’m sure you want 🙂 So here are some tips to help you feel at ease and make you feel better.

You can start with practice breathing techniques: Slow down your breathing and actively concentrate on it. This is always the easiest way to self-calm, provided you remember to resort to it.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Inhale deeply as you count to five, hold your breath for five seconds, then exhale slowly, counting to five. Do this ten times to relax your muscles and nerves. As you breathe out, visualize the stress and tension leaving your body through your breath.


Play some relaxing music like this song:

Start practice positive thinking: Positive thinking isn’t about wishful or dreamer thinking; it’s about making the most of the situations that you find yourself in and avoiding any tendency to add negative overlays. Use visualization techniques. While you might not feel calm and relaxed, imagining a calm and relaxed scene in your mind can do wonders to improve your outlook. Picture beaches, lying down resting, going for a hike, etc., to help you stay relaxed.

Use affirmations to change your outlook on life and stop yourself from always jumping to negative conclusions. Affirmations are short, powerful statements that build you up and increase your confidence, helping you to expect positive outcomes. Be careful about the words you choose – the things you say about yourself over and over again will ensure that you believe your own rhetoric. Use positive, believable, and caring words about yourself.
Teach yourself to step back and see the “big picture” when you’re in the thick of things that don’t seem to be going well. Recognize that most problems are temporary, and minor setbacks on the path to achieving larger goals.
You can try to Meditate: Find a quiet place and focus on calming your mind. There are several different forms of meditation, such as mantras, labyrinths, Sahaja Yoga and Buddhist meditation, among others. Remember that meditation requires practice – the more you practice, the better you’ll get. The internet has a lot of information about this.

If you have leg pain  or they are just very tired you can try this : Close your eyes. Begin to breathe deeply in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Do this for a few moments, until you feel “settled in”. Just focus on your breathing. When you are ready, tighten every muscle in your feet as hard as you can until it just begins to hurt (or count to ten, whichever you prefer), then immediately relax all of those muscles at the same time. After a few seconds, clench your calf and shin muscles as tightly as possible until they just start to hurt, and then instantly relax them.

If you use some other techniques, share them with us  🙂

The easiest way to gain abs at home

I was wondering “What is the easiest way to gain abs, if I don’t want to go to the Gym?”
And then, i saw a website where i found the answer. I’ve tried some of the Exercises and I’am impressed. Because I always have no time to go to the Gym (I’am sure that I’am not the only one) and in this website i found some easy exercises for the beginners like me , but there are a lot of difficult exercises for advanced. In the beginning i started only with the easiest one, and it takes me only for 5 min in 2 days.
But let me show you for what I’am talking about…

My first exercise : Push Through is one of the best “abdominal exercises” for working the upper area of the abdomen. The focus of this exercise is to push the hands inside the legs. As you push through, contract your abdomen voluntarily to obtain the best possible result.

After 2 weeks I started with this one : Legs completely stretched out and one hand behind the head. Raise your trunk while it rotates in the direction of the opposite leg. At the same time, move the leg closer carrying the knee parallel to the pelvis. Return to the starting position.

After a month I’am still trying this one : Take care as this is a very advanced exercise. Make sure that your lumbar musculature is well-trained before executing this exercise. Imagine a vertical line which starts from your pelvis. Contract your abdomen and bring your shoulders and knees towards the imaginary line. It is very important to keep the pelvis still during the exercise. Return to the starting position.

More about the website, click here :

If you have easier way to get abs at home, let us know about that …

Healthy Lifestyle (simple tips)


Living a healthy lifestyle is about the choices that “you” make.
“We have millions of people now going through adult life leading unhealthy lifestyles
and a medical system that can treat illnesses and keep you alive longer than ever before,”
said Mathew Reeves, a Michigan State University epidemiologist. “If we don’t turn this around,
the costs to society are going to be crippling.”.  I’am sure, some of you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, but some of us always don’t have time for that. Yes, excuses are real and they are contagious.“I don’t feel like cooking dinner tonight; let’s just get some fast food.” or “Oh, I’m tired, I don’t have time to exercise?”. We have time to work, time to commute, time for our business associates, but very little time to spend on ourselves, people we love, or even random people who deserve our attention.

how to live healthy

So here are some tips, how to start living a healthier lifestyle:

2.Open a window
3.Take a deep breath
3.Say thank you to someone who deserves it
4.Wake up 10 minutes earlier
5.Hug your kids
6.Remember Good Hygiene (a daily shower,toothbrush and toothpaste)
7.Choose Healthy Foods (including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains)
8.Replace your next cup of coffee with a cup of tea
9.Put your car keys in the same place everyday
10.Get Some Exercise (stand up and stretch,take a walk in the park, do 15 sit-ups)
11.While watching TV, do 5 push-ups during the commercial
12.Avoid Unhealthy Habits


How many of these do you or can you do in a day? What other things can you add to the list? Whatever you choose to do, make your day healthier and happier. If you can, do the same for someone else too, because, after all, it’s about a healthy lifestyle!


See what  Trisha Calvo (Shape Magazine) is thinkig about the start in Healthy Lifestyle :